Let's talk about some social media Do's and Don'ts.
I understand everyone has a bad day! I know things get tough and we just want someone to feel bad for us, but come on! The rest of social media doesn't want to hear how awful other people are to you, they don't want to know that you have had a tough day or that your boss was mean to you. If you are upset or need to vent call your BFF and let them hear it, but the rest of social media doesn't want to be your therapist! Have you ever noticed when others are down and out your attitude drops? Really, negativity is contagious. I am not saying you can't talk to someone about the bad things that happen in life, I am just saying let social media be a place where you share happy and exciting news. Share good things! Be happy and positive and help others to do the same!
2. Stop being petty!
I actually see this WAY more with adults than I do with teenage girls, but I am going to tell you this ahead of time so you don't do it when you get older! ;) If you are mad at someone, if you get in a fight with someone or don't like someone DON'T put it on facebook. Statuses or posts you put out there to imply your dislike for someone are very juvenile. It makes you look tacky and silly. Grow up and act your age. Stop throwing temper tantrums on social media!
3. Remember people see your pictures so DON'T post anything you will later regret.
It amazes me the pictures people post on the internet. Whether it be a selfie of you in your bedroom half dressed or out with your friends sloppy drunk. The image you portray on social media is the image you will be stuck with. Future employers, future mother in law, and other important people may get the wrong idea of you if they feel your pictures are inappropriate! Remember you are a lady and to come across as such, you want others to think highly of you! I get really tired of hearing people say we need to stop making young women feel bad for dressing inappropriately or portraying themselves in a negative way. Young ladies I WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS! You need to be aware of how you are portraying yourself, you need to be aware that you are responsible for your actions and you need to be aware of how to be that Christian lady God expects you to be. And that Christian lady is not one that takes a high selfie of herself so that her cleavage is staring the camera lens in the face. Take some responsibility!!! Obviously I think boys should abide by these same rules as well, but let's be honest. When was the last time you saw a guy post a picture of him in his boxers, poking out his rear end with a pouty lip??? :) Think about it!
4. Please DON'T proclaim your Christianity and then 2 hours later let the profanity train run through your page!
If you are going to have a filthy mouth, it doesn't look very convincing when you post a scripture on the next line. Most people would look at that and think it's hypocritical. As in all areas of our life, we need to portray Christ all the time, not just when it's convenient. Decide now that if you want to have a Christ like attitude you aren't going to post inappropriate pictures or use foul language, but positive and wholesome things.
1. DO post statuses that show gratitude, happiness and joy!
2. DO make others feel special!
I love calling people out on facebook! I love to make others feel special by letting everyone know how wonderful they are! I think we all like that!
3. DO share inspiring and positive posts.
I love the share button. I love that there are things my friends see on their friends pages and that they can share with me. Otherwise I may have never seen that wonderful information! Share things that will uplift and inspire others so that you in turn can be uplifted and inspired!
4. DO shine your light so that others may see it.
Social media can be an extremely powerful tool. Others see what you like, they see what you post and they see what you are reading. Make sure that the things that you are doing on facebook are things that you won't ever be ashamed of. Make the best of your time while using it!
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