Thursday, February 20, 2014

Top 5 things you should know about your youth minister...... and his wife!

Top 5 Things you should know about your youth minister.... and his wife!
1. They aren't as old as you think they are!

Not too long ago one of the guys in our youth group asked me how old I was. I told him 32 and you could have knocked him over with a feather , that's how shocked he was. When I asked him how old he thought I was he said "I don't know like 38 or 39!" Obviously he thought I was older due to my maturity and wisdom!! ;) I think kids automatically assume if you have kids you must be old. They don't think about the fact that you can be cool, hip and mature! The beauty of them not being as old as you think they are is that they haven't forgotten what it's like to be a teenager. I will admit that it's MUCH harder to be a teenager now than it was for us 20 years ago, but for the most part they understand the frustration you are going through with school, parents and friends.They haven't forgotten! So remember that even though they may seem older they aren't old fuddy duddies like you think!

2. They get to be like your parent and your friend.

I think one of the biggest mistakes youth ministers and their wives make is they think they have to choose. Either I have to be like your parents or I have to be like your friend. I can't be both. I think youth ministry is one of the few occasions adults get to be both and SHOULD be both. If youth workers ONLY care about teaching the bible, keeping you in line and being strict they can never bond or win teenagers over. There is a time to be serious, but there are also times that youth workers need to act like teenagers. It's important to know the line between the 2 and the one time in life that you need to be able to walk it and see it clearly. If youth workers only try to be your friend and try to make you like them all the time then they are not doing their job. If you have ever gotten frustrated with your youth minister or his wife THEY ARE DOING THEIR JOB!!! They love you and want you to be on the right path so when they see you out of line or doing something you aren't supposed to then they should say something, but they should say it in a way that you see they care and want what's best for you. I love being in youth ministry because I have a great time joking, playing and laughing with our kids, but I also know that my job is to make sure they are on the path to heaven and I have to make sure that I am setting a good example of what a Christian should be to them.

3. It's about passion and purpose not pay.

Ministry in general is a passion and purpose. Ministry is like teaching. It's not about the money. Most youth workers will never have fancy cars or boats or a HUGE house, but that's ok! My kids have never missed a meal, they've never been without something they needed and never will be. Please know that your youth minister is not there because he is making the big bucks and "putting up with you." Know that he is there because he loves you. He wants the best for you. Other than your parents no one wants to see you get to heaven more than your youth minister. He feels called to work with you, he feels passion for helping you on your spiritual journey and wants the very best for you.

4. They won't always agree with your parents.

Here's a shocker. They won't always agree with your parents!!! They will however, NEVER turn you against what your parents are saying. Here's the thing. As youth workers, parents come to you and the kids come to you. They will both share with you their struggles, SOMETIMES the parents are in the wrong and sometimes the kids are in the wrong. It's just part of life. And sometimes as a 3rd party you can step back, look at both sides and have better clarity of the situation. So if your youth minister or his wife comes to you and shares their opinion of a situation you are going through with your parents know that they don't always have your parents agenda. They have their own opinion and it just might happen that they agree with your parents on this one. If they don't they will try and give you a better way of dealing with the disagreement you are having with your parents. It's not always a war on you as the kid I promise!

5. Other than your parents NO ONE will fight for your salvation like your youth minister will!

Going back to number 3, it's a purpose and a passion. If your youth minister is in it for the right reason there is nothing they won't do to make sure you are on the right path. Even if that means stepping on toes or calling you out. It's the job. The purpose of that youth minister is to guide your youth group down the correct path just like the Minister's job is to guide the church. It won't always be easy, but God never said it would be. There is a love that youth ministers and their wives have for a youth group that I can't explain. It's hard to imagine that you can love kids as much as they do that aren't their own, but they do. I always say the kids in our youth group are "our kids". I would give my life for any one of them, yes every single last one of them! Their salvation means more to me than I can tell you and I will do whatever it takes to get them to be a strong part of the youth group. Just remember as a teenager that your youth minister and his wife are there for you. No matter what you are going through, no matter how bad something is that you have done. You can go to them without judgement or strife and know that their only objective is doing what is best for you. If you are blessed enough to have a youth minister, take advantage of having that person to guide you in any area of your life. I learned growing up that youth ministers can be some of the best friends you will ever have!

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