I am so excited!!! I am excited to start this blog as a mission to bring girls closer to Christ. I am excited that God has blessed me to put me back in His ministry to use me in a world where He has been pushed aside. My goal is to push back and fight the lies and deceit that Satan is bringing to our young people. I am not mad, I am passionate! I pray that He will use me in this blog to share the truth, and that the truth will be received. I will tell you ahead of time I am not in a ministry of rainbows and unicorns. I believe that our world is the way it is today because we have become a world of wanting to make everyone feel good no matter what. Even if that means condoning sin. I believe in ministering the truth, but ministering the truth in love. I will share more later about my journey over the last year, but I need you to know that the biggest lesson I have learned is that as a Christian I have to stand up for what is right in a world that won't. I promise you this. I will share what I believe and it will be backed up with scripture. I do believe that the Bible is the one and only source that we should turn to for EVERYTHING. If you disagree with that, you may not want to subscribe to my blog. I pray that you do anyway and that you will be open to maybe learning something you didn't know before, but just so we are clear I base EVERYTHING on the Bible. End of story. Period. I believe God is capable of anything and I believe that He is a very loving and compassionate God. I also believe that He is just. I believe he means what He says and he says what he means and I believe that through the writers of the Bible He tells us what He wants us to know. If you disagree with me I am ok with that. I ask that you not be ugly or hateful because I promise that I will never be ugly or hateful. Other people with worldly views post blogs all the time and I just feel like there need to be some blogs that are based on scripture not on opinions. I would love suggestions on topics, but I definitely have several ready under my belt! Thanks for reading and hope you will leave comments, suggestions or just say Hi! God Bless!
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