Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Not being the judgemental Christian........

So here's the deal. Christians have always in one way or another gotten a bad wrap. Mainly because there are those few that think they are the only ones going to heaven, or tell you all the bad things you are doing are sending you on a one way flight to hell or even that look they give when you walk up to them. I know I know, I have heard it all and seen even more. After 10 years of working in churches I will be the first to stand up and say "Yes there are some judgemental Christians." In saying that I think we need to step back as a society and look at our dictionary. In todays world we are so quick not to want to step on any toes or call anyone out that when a Christian does this society says "Who are you to judge?" Well I have had enough of the "judgemental" name calling and finger pointing. I am here to give you girls a lesson on the difference in being judgemental and sharing the gospel.
It's quite simple actually although society doesn't really see a difference. I feel like I have gotten pretty good at telling the difference from being not only in the church my whole life, but being in ministry. God gave us the duty as Chrisitians to "Go into the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."(Matthew 28:19-20)  God expects us to tell the world what his word says and to make sure that everyone we come in contact with knows what he says. Now at this moment our country is trying it's hardest to make sure Christians don't do that. They say we are "pushing our faith and religion". We definitely don't want to be pushy, but we do want to give the opportunity to everyone we come in contact with to hear what the Bible says.
Here's what I've learned. You will know pretty quickly who wants to hear what it says and who doesn't. And you can still have friendships and love those that don't want to hear it. There is a hope that your actions will one day strike a match and they will want what you have. I have dear friends that I don't talk about religion with because they have no desire to hear it. And that's ok. It's everyone's choice what they want in life and I will definitely not push them to where I may never have an influence on them. I hope that people see Christ in me by the way I live.

Back to the difference in sharing God's word and being judgemental. Let's just jump right into one of the hottest topics out there right now and one of the biggest examples of Christians being called judgemental.  Same sex marriage. I won't get into a big long spill of my opinion on this, I am sure I will blog on it soon, but the example still stands. I believe homosexuality is wrong. I believe that because God tells me in the bible it is. There is no way around it no matter how you want to spin it, no matter how you want to look at it God says it's wrong. In Romans 1 we read of the feelings that God felt with those who sinned by homosexuality. And I cringe each time I hear or see someone say "God doesn't feel the same way now because it's the 21st century". My God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Now notice I used a scripture from the New Testament. People will try to tell you that you can't use anything from the Old Testament to defend actions because it went out with the Old Law. While I believe that we should take lessons from both Testaments for "politically correct" reasons I will stick with the New! Now my point with all of this is this. For me it's pretty simple. Obey God's commands. As a Christian it's my responsibility to share his commands with all that I meet so that they have a chance to know the truth. Then it's up to them whether or not they follow it. If they decide not to follow it I will still love them, I will still be friends with them and care about them. That is what Christians should do. Being judegemental would be to tell someone I think they are a sinner, they are going straight to hell for what it is they are doing and tell them how awful of a person I think they are and never speak to them again.

That my friends is judgemental. And we don't have a right to do that. We don't have a right to call people names or to tell them how awful they are. We don't have a right to treat them any differently than you would a brother or sister in Christ. We do however have a right to make sure they know we don't agree with what they are doing and that we will always be there for them.
I have always been the kind of person that ran from confrontation. I literally get sick at the thought of having to deal with someone that may not like me or that has a problem with me. I just want everyone to like me! And I have always been the kind of person that was ok if you don't agree with what I have to say, but normally I just wouldn't say it if I knew it would upset someone. Over the last year I have risen above that. I don't go looking for fights or trying to stir up controversy, but in a world where we are covered in sin I have decided if nothing else people are going to know that I am a Chrisitian, I love God and I want to share his word. And if that offends someone I am not sorry!
I am offended when people say that I am judgemental or that I am not understanding or caring. I would have to strongly disagree. I try really hard to make sure I stay away from judgemental thoughts and that I make sure that no matter how much I disagree with someone that I love them and will always be there for them. I like to say "Don't mistake my compassion for acceptance."
As a Christian you can stand up for what you believe in and not be judgemental. It's a fine line, but with God's help you can do it.

 Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray. and then pray some more that God gives you the heart, the courage and the mentality to be able to do it. Once you get the hang of it its easy and you will realize that you will make more of an impact than you ever thought possible.